How to contact the Modern Transit Society
in the South Bay
You can still contact Akos Szoboszlay, a former President and also editor of the MTS newsletter Guideway:
(Delete the red X)
408 221 0694 (cellphone)
An alternative contact is Mike Bullock. (See below.)
The official MTS email addresses (ending in "") are discontinued.
MTS was a very successful advocacy organization between 1971 and 2011. (Click "About MTS" at bottom.)
MTS Meetings in the South Bay [No longer valid]
Meetings in the South Bay are the 4th Thursday of the
month, at 8:00 p.m., except June, November and December. The
location is in Sunnyvale or West San Jose, CA. Please call
the MTS president or another officer for the location of the next
Officers: phone and email
MTS officers (left to right): Treasurer
Mike Bullock, Vice-President Akos Szoboszlay, President Bob Williams and Secretary
Noel Tebo.
To send email, copy the email address and
paste it (or type it), then delete the red character; it's
an anti-spam
Also, don't put the email address on a web page or post to a blog or
- MTS general email:
(No longer valid)
- Bob Williams, President, 408 245 5820,
(Passed away)
- Akos Szoboszlay, Vice-President, 408 241 8214 (home), 408 221 0694 (cellphone),
(Delete the red X)
- Mike Bullock, Treasurer, 760-754-8025,
(Delete the red)
- Noel Tebo, Secretary, 408 446 1030,
(Delete the red)
Contacts by topic:
- Airport rail connection: Noel Tebo
- Automated Guideway Transit, People Movers, Personal Rapid Transit: Bob Williams
- Parking "cashout": Mike Bullock
- Pedestrians crossing streets: Al Spivak
- Pedestrians along expressways: Akos Szoboszlay
- San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge: Akos Szoboszlay
- Vasona light rail transit: Noel Tebo
The mailing address for the Modern Transit Society is [No longer valid]:
Modern Transit Society
PO Box 5582
San Jose CA 95150
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